Packing My Bags

Hey loves!
Not long ago, I packed my bags to leave for Hong Kong and now it's time to start packing again. This time, I will go to China! My school organises different trips to China for us and next week, all of us will be gone. We call this week "China Week". Each group has a different project in China. There are also two groups that stay in Hong Kong because not every student can get a visa for China and there aren't enough trips to China for everyone. But there are also really cool things you can do in Hong Kong. One group that stays here will go on a trip with a dragon boat and they'll go camping.
My group will go to Nanning, a city in China. We'll work in a local school and we'll teach a few lessons there. Although we had to prepare everything for this trip, I still don't really know what to expect. My secondyears told me that China Week will be an unforgettable time and that everybody loves it, but I still can't imagine what it will be like. I'm really excited to finally go to China! We are going to leave tomorrow morning and we are going to stay until Friday.
But for now, let's stop thinking about the future and let's focus on what has already happened. This week, my roomies and I finally went on a roomie outing! When I first heard that term, I had absolutely no idea what it means. A roomie outing is basically going out with your roomies: it's simply doing something together outside the room. We went to a really cool Taiwanese restaurant and we just had a great evening. I really enjoy spending time with my roomies. I feel like I can trust them fully and I believe I joined the perfect room. I think we all fit together perfectly and I am really thankful for my amazing roomies!
Our roomie outing was on Friday because our whole week was full of work. When I would have to think of one word to describe life at LPC, I'd probably choose 'busy'. That's just what it is like. You always have something to do and when you don't... well, then you have forgotten something. But I like it. Our teachers are really nice, but they go through a lot of things quite fast. For me, this is not a huge problem because I've been reached in English before but I guess it's quite hard when you don't have a strong background in English. But the school still encourages everyone to participate in the lessons and to work for their dreams.
One thing I really love about LPC is that you can be just as you want to be. For people from outside it may be weird to read this, but this is what makes LPC so special. In this school, you can join any club, you can dress as you want to, you can do whatever you want to and people will accept you. I genuinely love this atmosphere. Here, it is not just about what you achieve in a classroom, but also about who you are outside the classroom.
We have to participate in at least four different activities in our free time. One of them has to be an activity, another one has to be a campus service, and we also need to cover community service and a creativity. One of my free time activities is Initiative for Peace (IFP). IFP focuses on minorities in Hong Kong and what disadvantages they suffer and tries to help them. On this Thursday, the whole IFP team met up and went outside school to make a survey. We were split into small groups and each groups had to come up with its own questions. Doing the survey was real fun. It was a little bit weird to simply go to strangers and ask them to take your survey but it worked quite well and I was in a group of really funny people. During our survey we realised that most locals are aware of the problems minorities are facing.
It's been a quite exciting, funny and busy week at LPC, but I'm also a little bit homesick. I guess it is normal that I miss my rabbit, my mom and my friends. Skype is nice, but the time difference makes it really hard to find a time to Skype with my German friends/family.
Lots of Love,
The photo was taken by Charlotte Yiu