Questions I Ask Myself As An Activist
Hey loves! #BlackLivesMatter is currently on all social media and most of the people you follow have probably posted about it (myself...

To Yesterday's Protestors In My Hometown
My hometown has a history of protests getting big. Shortly before I left for boarding school at age 16, people were protesting against a...

Kindness When No One Listens
Hey loves! Being alone with yourself in quarantine can be a great time of rediscovering old hobbies, re-connecting with friends, taking...

Hey loves! I have not written a post on here in weeks and the honest reason is that I felt like I had nothing to say. I normally write...

Books to Read in Quarantine
Hey loves! I have officially completed my first full week in quarantine and it has been (surprisingly) good so far. To my own surprise,...

A Cocktail of Fear & Uncertainty
Hey loves! The past weeks have been crazy. I guess they probably have been for most of you, too. Over the past few weeks, I had to make a...

And then I had a Million Views
Hey loves! When I returned to YouTube after losing Mümi, I made a video about a typical day in my life. I did not expect it to get as...

What Going Back Was Really Like
Hey loves! When I got back to Cambridge after the winter break, I walked into my dorm room and I was completely overwhelmed. I had...

On Taking Up Space
Hey loves! I have my (not so rare) moments of imposter syndrome where I go down a spiral of 'I don't belong here' and 'I probably don't...

The Physicist
Hey loves! There is a guy in Chicago, probably currently struggling to get it together to actually get his PhD in Physics. He and I met...