Books to read in 2018
Hey loves! Happy new year to you all! I hope you all had a great New Year's Eve and welcomed the new year in a positive way. New years...
Boats & Bicycles
Hey loves! This Wednesday, all LPCUWC students left campus to enjoy their block activities. My block went to the Tai Mai Tuk reservoir in...
Hidden Worlds
Hey loves! The past week has been quite eventful and I cannot wait to share all of it with you guys! Since our grades have already been...
My Travel Bag
Hey loves! Whenever I'm travelling, I take my travel bag with me. I chose my travel bag because it is huge and can fit all my stuff. For...
Dancing with Lions
Hey loves! My school hosted its 25th Anniversary Celebration today. It was quite exciting for all of us because it was one of the rare...
Pride & Prejudice
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Opening Line of...
Vorfreude (n.) - The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures Hey loves! This week has been packed with...
The Story Behind The Charm
Hey loves! Our week off has passed and today was my first day back in school after the break (my school gave us Monday off because...
Hey loves! Half of LPC left the college this weekend to go to China as part of their China Week which is an opportunity to explore the...
Away From The City
Hey loves! Surprisingly, I had an almost totally free day today. LPC c hanged its schedule system this year and thanks to this change and...